I found this post on craigslist for a gaming computer. I tried offering him $700 for it, which was kinda a low ball now that I think about it, but I said $700 without the keyboard, mouse, wifi card, and ssd, since I already have all of that. I think I maybe able to talk him down to $900. Could I do better online? Here's the link to the post
Here are the parts (as he listed):
I7 4790k
120gb Samsung ssd
H60 water cooling cpu
Air 540 case
Wifi card
Msi motherboard
650 rm gold certified power supply
16gb hyperx fury ram
Corsair FPS mouse
Gtx 1060
Orion spectrum full rgb keyboard
Here are the parts (as he listed):
I7 4790k
120gb Samsung ssd
H60 water cooling cpu
Air 540 case
Wifi card
Msi motherboard
650 rm gold certified power supply
16gb hyperx fury ram
Corsair FPS mouse
Gtx 1060
Orion spectrum full rgb keyboard