Hello I have been waiting quite some time for the release of the AMD trinity APU desktop processors and finaly I have found a HP computer that has one inside. I want to make sure it is a good computer and can run some games on it. The games I play are League of Legends, Team Fortress 2, World of Warcraft, Guild Wars 2 (I have played the beta and cant wait for the release!!!), and hopefully if the computer can handle it: Battlefield 3 and Black ops 2... I hope to get at least 40 FPS on each game on medium settings, in at least 1280x720 dimensions. So here is the computer on Newegg: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16883157362 and it is $599. But I found it on officemax for $100 off at $499!!! If anything can someone tell me if it can run these games at my preferred FPS or if there is a better computer out there for this amount, or could I build myself a better one, and if so what parts should I get. My budget is $500 so thanks.