is this considered a bottleneck


May 11, 2015
hello guys ma rig is 1080ti I7-4790k
in time spy the demo sequence im getting like 30fps and ma gpu usage is 60-70% my cpu usage is like 50% is this considered a bottlenecking or just my cpu cant catch up with my gpu or is the demo sequence just bad optimalized (in the graphic test 1 and 2 my gpu load is 99% no problem there its just in the demo) cpu load is nicely spread across all threads an neither of them is maxed out

i ran some games just for fun in 1080p and got similiar results i will send some pictures

i want to know your opinion on this

picture one witcher 3 maxed out axpect nvidia hairworks aa

picture 2 gta 5 maxed out
I don't think its a bottleneck since this CPU should be a nice match with 1080Ti GPU, make sure VSYNC is turned off, also some games limit the FPS in the demo to 30/60 FPS, I don't really sure about the witcher and GTA.
"bottleneck" is thrown around a lot.

Typically though, you're looking for utilization to max out on one component, long before the other has a chance to stretch it's legs.

If the demo sequence isn't limiting, but the full-blown test you can hit 99%/100% utilization, that sounds like an issue with the demo itself.

With a CPU at 60-70% and a GPU at 50% though, *something* is holding the system back...... that can be poor optimization, memory, in0game settings, resolution, etc.

Ultimately, 1080p is probably not going to allow a 1080TI to stretch it's legs, most of the time.
I'm honestly surprised you're seeing anywhere close to 80% GPU utilization at 1080p

most of the time i got 95+% i just found a spot where the gpu usage is low in the witcher
maybe im just hitting the limit what the engine can handle in the witcher

no vsync i made sure of that and ist not like constant 30fps is just jumping aorund that number (20-30-40 fps)

No setup is going to be perfect 100% of the time. If you're only finding the occasional dip, then that's totally fine, and expected.
What kind of in-game settings are you using? There's an upper end of what the hardware can do in a game.
For example, if you're seeing 100FPS on "ultra", dropping to low does not inherently guarantee you'll get 200+FPS in all titles (some work something like that though). The hardware will just simply not work as hard, to output the lower settings required/requested.

Crank up the eye-candy. Run at Max/Ultra, what kind of results/utilization do you see then?

thats on very high