Is this CPU overkill?

Purity Denson

Jun 14, 2014
I'm in the process of buying components for a new pc which is not going to be used for gaming but for high end office use that incudes graphics software such as Photoshop and some multi-media work with sound and video. I don't want to buy a separate graphics card but want that to be handled by the mobo/CPU. I was recommended the following:

CPU: AMD APU A8 6600K Black Edition Quad Core Processor (Socket FM2, 3.9GHz, 4MB

But I'm wondering now if this is overkill? Can anyone advise and suggest whether there's a better option I should go for or if this in fact a good choice.

Thanks in advance.

I'm in the UK.... and don't have a specific budget but what I don't want to do is pay for something I don't need. I'm happy to go with the CPU that was recommended providing it's the right one for the activity that the pc is going to be used for. I've also no intention of overclocking.

If you are going to use it for Multimedia type of work like you stated (Graphic and Audio). I'd strongly consider a AMD FX series CPU or Intel i5 line. Mainly because you will be doing lots of rendering which will be better handled by the speed and power of those CPU's. Could easily get a FX-8320 for cheap.

If possible, I'd really recommend a dedicated GPU as well. It would really help with the graphic processing. Wouldn't need anything crazy and fancy.

It's only basic graphics editing that it'll be used for with Photoshop. And there won't be any video creation or conversion.just playback. I thought a basic APU would be sufficient for that kind of activity?


I would upgrade that Western Digital drive to a Black Edition. The speeds and performance would be a really nice difference from the Green. Especially for transferring any big files between the drives.

If thats the case, then I think a APU would be sufficient.

Many thanks for suggesting a motherboard/CPU combination, appreciate the input.

However, I was speaking to my local pc store to see if they could source the parts for me and the shop owner says this combination of cpu and motherboard is massive overkill for an office pc, which of course was my initial concern, so I have to admit to being unsure what to do now.


Doesn't seem like overkill to me. Seems pretty simple actually.