Is this Delta power supply good enough for my Asus gtx 970 turbo?


Feb 17, 2016
Ok so I just ordered this card: and I noticed that on Newegg that it says "Power Consumption: up to 225W". I read a bit and most people said that 500w is fine, BUT it completely depends on your power supply. So I have a pre-built PC (kinda regret that) and I have this Delta power supply, which apparently is only in pre-built PC's. So I'm wondering, is it good enough to power my graphics card and my AMD fx-8300?


Picture of my power supply:
You can run benchmarks, but running Prime95 Small FFTs and Furmark burn-in test at the same time should achieve maximum power draw. Worst that should happen is a PSU fan that spins faster and becomes noisy. Millions of gaming systems don't use a Tier 1 or a Tier 2 PSU and they still work perfectly. I wouldn't be too worried when using a Delta PSU; they may not be the best, but they are good quality and nothing will be destroyed.

Ok, so would you recommend me buying a 600 -650w of high quality instead then? And do think the general quality of the PSU is good? And lastly (sorry for alot of questions haha) is 20-40w a good enough margin for video editing of gaming at ultra in new games? What is the recommended margin?
Delta makes some of the best power supplies on the planet, but those old oem units are not meant to be stressed so hard. That one in particular seems to be old considering how many amps are on the +3.3v and +5v. I would not put a 970 on it. I recommend a good 550w model like the XFX 550w bronze that's usually $50ish.
The PSU suggested by CTurbo is very good and you don't need a 650W PSU. How old is your system? I Like having a 30% margin at full load, but 20% certainly isn't bad.

Did you read this thread? Your GPU will draw up to 2 more amps; that isn't much. You also need to understand that only benchmarks can keep both the CPU and GPU at maximum load; normal utilization and gaming won't. While gaming you'll have a good 30% margin. If your budget allows for it, then getting a better PSU is recommended, but it isn't an absolute must.

I bought my system back in around June 2014, so a bit under 2 years old now. It's an ASUS M51BC, but it has a different spec list now than it had back then. And yeah, I did read that thread when I was researching my PSU, and that thread is mostly the reason why I ordered my new graphics card, but later some people said that I needed a higher quality PSU (one from tier 2 or higher from that PSU list on this forum) and that 500w isn't enough and so on, so after getting a lot of mixed messages I just asked here.

And with the thing you said about benchmarks, does it mean that when I get the card I shouldn't run benchmarks in case it uses too much power? Also a new PSU in kind of in my budget, I can afford it, but tbh I'd prefer not to. So I'll just save up some more money before I'll get a new PSU, maybe in the next few months, since you said that it isn't a must to get a new PSU I suppose that my old one can power my rig for the next few months. Also, thanks a lot for the useful information, it really helps :)
You can run benchmarks, but running Prime95 Small FFTs and Furmark burn-in test at the same time should achieve maximum power draw. Worst that should happen is a PSU fan that spins faster and becomes noisy. Millions of gaming systems don't use a Tier 1 or a Tier 2 PSU and they still work perfectly. I wouldn't be too worried when using a Delta PSU; they may not be the best, but they are good quality and nothing will be destroyed.

That was the exact answer I was looking for haha. Some guy said that it may fry my system, so knowing this makes we way less worried about getting the card. Thanks a lot for the help :)

Didn't see your reply before now for some reason, but GhislainG says that it's possible to put a 970 on it, but you wouldn't do it yourself. Can something bad happen, other than the fans spinning alot? I can upgrade my PSU later, but at the moment it's not really in my budget so I'm hoping that I can use the Delta (btw the PC is around 2 years old, dunno about the PSU though, it could of course be an older model in a new PC) for a few months. Also that XFX PSU isn't in any online store in my country (that I have found atleast), but I did find a Cooler Master G650M, which is on sale right now where I live so I can maybe pick that up, would it be good enough in terms of amps and such?
Anytime a psu dies, there is a chance of it taking other components with it... usually the video card or motherboard. I wouldn't be too worried about that happening with a Delta model. It will have basic protections that SHOULD simply shut itself down quietly when it dies. However, I would not expect it to last very long under the conditions you are proposing.

What country do you live in? Or can you link me your online retailer? I can try to find a good psu for you. I would not use that Cooler Master G650 unless you absolutely had to.

Ah I see, I guess I'm back to people telling me different things about the PSU, GhislanG saying that it will be fine until I can get a new one (although he wouldn't recommend it) but you saying that it will most likely not last long 🙁 Guess my safest bet would to just get a new one. But I live in Norway, and these are the online retailers I use:

The currency we use is NOK, so if you're wondering about the price just google x nok in usd/gbp or whatever you use. The cheapest one that I could find that was tier 1 was this one (Around $103) Surprisingly, all the ones that were cheaper than this were tier 3 or lower, no tier 2 for some reason. This is also a relatively cheap tier 1 that I found. (Around $134)
Should I maybe order one of those?
It will work, but if you can afford a better PSU then go for it. Even the best PSU could damage other components when it fails; no PSU is perfect. If you had an LC-Power LC500H-12, then you wouldn't have a choice but to replace it, but your Delta PSU is a decent quality unit. Asus can't build their reputation on quality components and install crappy PSUs in their own systems.

That's unfortunately how the retailers are in Norway 🙁 Thanks for the help anyways. And btw, I got the card two days ago and so far it's been working wonderfully. I've been able to play games at ultra and run benchmarks without any issues (so far). Will be a bit more cautious in the future though, at least until I get a new PSU. Thanks a lot for the help both of you, wish I could give you both "Best Solution" since your answers have been really helpful. Thanks!

As I wrote to CTurbo I've had the card for two days and it has worked perfectly, so you're right, it did work. But my CPU isn't the best match for my 970 so I will get a new PSU (The EVGA GQ 650 probably) and CPU fan later anyway to overclock it a bit, so my Delta should be fine for some time as you said. Thanks for your help, and sorry for the late reply haha.