Is this ebay listing for 144 monitor legit?

My only experience with something like that wasn't good. The seller shipped some small cardboard card to a local store up the street from me so they could submit a tracking number. The seller deleted their ebay account after shipping. A huge run-a-round all to have to get eBay to cover the lost money.

1. No seller reviews.
2. No actual pictures of the item. (only generic images found online)
3. Unbelievably cheap.

are all warning signs to stay away.
C $96.00, yet it ships from China? Sounds like dude is just a middle man if anything, you send him C $96 and he buys a C$24 knockoff and gives your address as the shipping address. Gets a few sold, deletes his account after clearing it out (it takes 2weeks or so to receive the TV, so he has time) and disappears, only to start again with a different product, address, name, account. Only recourse for failed items is if you paid through PayPal, and can catch him at it. Otherwise it's basically free money for him.