Is this enough?

Not "every" gaming computer. Your PSU requirement depends on all the rest of the components in your build and whether or not you'll be over-clocking. Your "typical" single GPU gaming build would most likely be fine with a 750W PSU, in fact some would say a 600W would be fine as well. It all depends on all of the components that you build your system with. It's best to pick all the components for your build and then decide on your PSU needs.
Not "every" gaming computer. Your PSU requirement depends on all the rest of the components in your build and whether or not you'll be over-clocking. Your "typical" single GPU gaming build would most likely be fine with a 750W PSU, in fact some would say a 600W would be fine as well. It all depends on all of the components that you build your system with. It's best to pick all the components for your build and then decide on your PSU needs.