Is this for real?


As with many which is better requests, this one is one that can't be quantified. Unless you run both on identical systems right next to each other and you're benchmarking them, you won't notice a difference in day to day performance. Both options are good. In a year, yes, there will be better things out, this is after all, computing we're talking about, things get faster every year. There will always be a just around the corner. Close your eyes, pick one and be happy. I love my Sammy, but mostly because it's a Samsung, not because it's particularly faster...

It appears to be. Why would you think it wasn't? Tech speeds up, and prices drop.
Yes its for real. The PCIE SSD's are fast. Course not to much longer(prob end of 2016) and we will start seeing Intel Optane SSD's which will be 7-10x faster than the PCIE drives of today.
I have a 950 Pro 256, and it's definitely faster than a regular SSD, but I see that in the couple games I have that load off it and the windows 10 boot. With the exception of loading times, there's not a whole lotta difference, the 512 Samsung is only I believe 300, and you can get an m.2 PCIe adapter for 20 - 30 USD. It'll give you comparable performance to the Zotac, higher writes, I think and slower reads, but not where you'll notice a difference in anything but benchmarks.
Eh....OK, it's 'faster'
Sequential? Sure....a LOT faster.
Down here in the 4k world where most of us actually live? Not so much.

This is a comparison of that ZOTAC vs my bog standard 2 year old SATA 840 EVO 250GB.
ZOTAC from the article on the left, 840 EVO on the right

Building a new PC? Sure, I'd probably go for a drive like this.
Change an existing system to one of these? No way.
So building a new PC, the price doesn't seem that much different, and speeds do seem better, but I did like the m2 placement. I think I'm going to need to move my gpu's off if the board with a cable anyway and the color scheme matches. Maybe it's worth considering.

As with many which is better requests, this one is one that can't be quantified. Unless you run both on identical systems right next to each other and you're benchmarking them, you won't notice a difference in day to day performance. Both options are good. In a year, yes, there will be better things out, this is after all, computing we're talking about, things get faster every year. There will always be a just around the corner. Close your eyes, pick one and be happy. I love my Sammy, but mostly because it's a Samsung, not because it's particularly faster than my SSDs. Nike or Rebok, they're both just shoes at the end of the day.