So I am building my first gaming PC, I have a few questions with the build:
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant
CPU: AMD Athlon X4 760K 3.8GHz Quad-Core Processor ($80.99 @ Amazon)
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-F2A88X-D3H ATX FM2+ Motherboard ($84.24 @ Amazon)
Storage: Seagate Barracuda 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($52.92 @ Amazon)
Video Card: XFX Radeon R9 270 2GB Double Dissipation Video Card ($164.99 @ Amazon)
Case: Enermax ECA3253-BW ATX Mid Tower Case ($39.00 @ Amazon)
Power Supply: Corsair CX 500W 80+ Bronze Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply ($59.99 @ Amazon)
Wireless Network Adapter: TP-Link TL-WN881ND 802.11b/g/n PCI-Express x1 Wi-Fi Adapter ($18.99 @ Amazon)
Keyboard: Razer Blackwidow Tournament Edition Wired Gaming Keyboard ($76.99 @ Amazon)
Mouse: Logitech G100s Wired Optical Mouse ($18.12 @ Amazon)
Total: $596.23
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
1.For the PSU, is there a much more cheaper PSU that is still good but won't explode my PC?
(I also know someone is going to tell me to get a cheaper keyboard and get a better CPU or something, I really am good with the CPU I have now, most people would recommend the FX 6300 to me, I have a friend that does use the CPU and he says that the CPU doesn't have 6 cores it has 6 threads.
2. Is that a good WNA? I am not that far from my router...
3. And I am wondering on how many fans the case has, I don't know what website to check on to see how many fans that are already pre-built in it, I have 1 LED case fan that I ordered a long time ago.
I can see what I can do if the keyboard wasn't included. But I am a fast typer and lots of people recommend me a mechanical keyboard, and the only cheapest Cherry MX Blue keyboard was the Razer Blackwidow tournament edition. But I can see what I can do without it, probably get a better case or a better WNA just depends on what you guys say with the WNA. Thanks in advance.
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant
CPU: AMD Athlon X4 760K 3.8GHz Quad-Core Processor ($80.99 @ Amazon)
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-F2A88X-D3H ATX FM2+ Motherboard ($84.24 @ Amazon)
Storage: Seagate Barracuda 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($52.92 @ Amazon)
Video Card: XFX Radeon R9 270 2GB Double Dissipation Video Card ($164.99 @ Amazon)
Case: Enermax ECA3253-BW ATX Mid Tower Case ($39.00 @ Amazon)
Power Supply: Corsair CX 500W 80+ Bronze Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply ($59.99 @ Amazon)
Wireless Network Adapter: TP-Link TL-WN881ND 802.11b/g/n PCI-Express x1 Wi-Fi Adapter ($18.99 @ Amazon)
Keyboard: Razer Blackwidow Tournament Edition Wired Gaming Keyboard ($76.99 @ Amazon)
Mouse: Logitech G100s Wired Optical Mouse ($18.12 @ Amazon)
Total: $596.23
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
1.For the PSU, is there a much more cheaper PSU that is still good but won't explode my PC?
(I also know someone is going to tell me to get a cheaper keyboard and get a better CPU or something, I really am good with the CPU I have now, most people would recommend the FX 6300 to me, I have a friend that does use the CPU and he says that the CPU doesn't have 6 cores it has 6 threads.
2. Is that a good WNA? I am not that far from my router...
3. And I am wondering on how many fans the case has, I don't know what website to check on to see how many fans that are already pre-built in it, I have 1 LED case fan that I ordered a long time ago.
I can see what I can do if the keyboard wasn't included. But I am a fast typer and lots of people recommend me a mechanical keyboard, and the only cheapest Cherry MX Blue keyboard was the Razer Blackwidow tournament edition. But I can see what I can do without it, probably get a better case or a better WNA just depends on what you guys say with the WNA. Thanks in advance.