Is this gaming budget build ok? ~RAM OS AND OPTICAL DRIVE AREN'T INCLUDED~


Nov 22, 2013
So I am building my first gaming PC, I have a few questions with the build:

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: AMD Athlon X4 760K 3.8GHz Quad-Core Processor ($80.99 @ Amazon)
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-F2A88X-D3H ATX FM2+ Motherboard ($84.24 @ Amazon)
Storage: Seagate Barracuda 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($52.92 @ Amazon)
Video Card: XFX Radeon R9 270 2GB Double Dissipation Video Card ($164.99 @ Amazon)
Case: Enermax ECA3253-BW ATX Mid Tower Case ($39.00 @ Amazon)
Power Supply: Corsair CX 500W 80+ Bronze Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply ($59.99 @ Amazon)
Wireless Network Adapter: TP-Link TL-WN881ND 802.11b/g/n PCI-Express x1 Wi-Fi Adapter ($18.99 @ Amazon)
Keyboard: Razer Blackwidow Tournament Edition Wired Gaming Keyboard ($76.99 @ Amazon)
Mouse: Logitech G100s Wired Optical Mouse ($18.12 @ Amazon)
Total: $596.23
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available

1.For the PSU, is there a much more cheaper PSU that is still good but won't explode my PC?
(I also know someone is going to tell me to get a cheaper keyboard and get a better CPU or something, I really am good with the CPU I have now, most people would recommend the FX 6300 to me, I have a friend that does use the CPU and he says that the CPU doesn't have 6 cores it has 6 threads.
2. Is that a good WNA? I am not that far from my router...
3. And I am wondering on how many fans the case has, I don't know what website to check on to see how many fans that are already pre-built in it, I have 1 LED case fan that I ordered a long time ago.

I can see what I can do if the keyboard wasn't included. But I am a fast typer and lots of people recommend me a mechanical keyboard, and the only cheapest Cherry MX Blue keyboard was the Razer Blackwidow tournament edition. But I can see what I can do without it, probably get a better case or a better WNA just depends on what you guys say with the WNA. Thanks in advance.

It is good for budget gamers yes, will last you few years as it is a pretty fast chip, you could up for a i5 4330 quad if you want since it beats AMD's 6300 and that dual core, but its up to you m8, you could get a z97 board and OC that chip, I saw a vid of someone who ran it 4.8 GHz
Change the PSU to this
The CX line of PSU's are not good.

That case is ok (not the best for cable management), but I would recommend this

And the 6300 only has 3 physical modules. Inside each physical module, there are 2 cores inside which share the same resources. It beats the 760k. I would get the 6300 over the 760k. It will also last longer.

I would get the ASUS 270x

First off that psu won't be enough for your system since you need minimum of 500, you don't want to strain your psu. 2nd, 6 threads, what a wanker, the 6300 has 6 PHYSICAL cores, decent WNA, that tower can hold 7 fans and has great cooling, everything seems in order :)

EDIT: This case has some nice management, but hey, this is mid towers, it is bound to get some mess ^^;

2nd EDIT: the G3258 Pentium dual core is tied with the 6300 and the 750k lost to it by some, the 760k should fair better 😛


Aww, this dual core beat the 760k 🙁 maybe you should goto Intel lol. And this dual core tied with the 6"core 6300.

So I have made a build with the CPU:

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Pentium G3258 3.2GHz Dual-Core Processor ($69.99 @ Amazon)
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-B85-HD3 ATX LGA1150 Motherboard ($84.99 @ Amazon)
Storage: Seagate Barracuda 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($52.92 @ Amazon)
Video Card: XFX Radeon R9 270 2GB Double Dissipation Video Card ($164.99 @ Amazon)
Case: Corsair SPEC-01 RED ATX Mid Tower Case ($44.00 @ Amazon)
Power Supply: Corsair CX 600W 80+ Bronze Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply ($64.99 @ Amazon)
Wireless Network Adapter: TP-Link TL-WN881ND 802.11b/g/n PCI-Express x1 Wi-Fi Adapter ($18.99 @ Amazon)
Total: $500.87
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available

And are you sure that the dual core CPU is better than the quad core AMD cpu in gaming, and if I am going to be using dual monitors?
It is good for budget gamers yes, will last you few years as it is a pretty fast chip, you could up for a i5 4330 quad if you want since it beats AMD's 6300 and that dual core, but its up to you m8, you could get a z97 board and OC that chip, I saw a vid of someone who ran it 4.8 GHz

That's the thing, I bought my ram already. It was before I was told to get the G3258. It's a 4GB 1600MHZ CAS 9 Memory stick.

I have another question, I am thinking of getting a 660 instead of the R9 270. Some people have said that the drivers on the R9 270 are very glitchy? Or they don't work? I don't know. But I am thinking of getting the 660. Is it a good choice or should I stay with the R9 270?

That case has baaad cable management. Also, dual cores are at the end of their useful lifetime. I would never recommend getting one unless you have a really really low budget. The 6300 would be a far better choice unless he wants to upgrade the intel in the near future, which would be a better choice if he can.
Wallaby, I already told him to either opt in for higher I5 or stick with his old list. I didn't see the RAM and forgot 3258. Only supported 1333 MHz. And I think that dual core would last a good amount of years, my old E4300 OC at 3.3 GHz gets me 29-44 fps on BF4.

Sorry, I must have read it wrong. My mistake. And the only reason I say dual cores and towards the end of their usefulness, is because games will actually remove things in order to run. More and more popular games use quad cores. They will do, but a quad core will be better suited for gaming when using this over the next few years.