Is this gaming set up good for value?


Jan 9, 2014
Are these specs good for value and effective for running such games as DayZ standalone, Saints row 4, Battlefield etc?
it's decent for the money, an i5 3470 and GTX 650 is not weak by any means, but the graphics is barely scratching mid range, you'll be able to play all those games but just don't expect ultra settings or anything.

I would say go with whitecat's suggestions, if you can find a PC with a cheaper CPU (FX 6300) and stronger graphics card you may be able to bump your gaming up a setting.

Whats "AMD A-Series A8-6600K Quad Core APU" like as a CPU? Really dont know which to choose for my PC I'm building!

Do you have any recommendations on Graphics cards please, I'm not really knowledgeable on hardware etc!
do not go for an APU, they're just really weak CPUs with a fairly strong integrated graphics, but still really weak compared to a full set up.

For your graphics card, try to find a set up with minimum a Radeon HD 7850 or Nvidia GTX 660, they are mid ranged cards and perform pretty well.

AMD A Series alrady have built-in gpu , since you re getting a dedicated one , avoid them .

Thing is I'm not sure of too many companies that I can choose from to customise a PC and what im currently using "CCLonline" doesn't offer the Radeon HD 7850 or Nvidia GTX 660 at a decent price.

Whats your opinion on: Sapphire Radeon HD 7790 1GB Graphics Card PCI-E HDMI DVI DisplayPort with the FX6300?

7790 is 2x faster than gtx 650
Dont pay for anti virus program . download Microsoft Security Essentials - free , if you ll use Windows 7 . Windows 8 has own Windows Defender.

It's free but thanks :). Also is the Power supply relevant and apart from that, should I purchase it?

7790 needs one 6 pin connector and max 85W .

I don't understand that mate, wont it be included?

i checked up the psu , it has 6 pin connector and it is Bronxe 80 certiif. but i dont trust the brand .450 is rhe minumum Watts here . i think the psu is enough but not very reliable .

Thanks a lot, do you think I should maybe increase the Watts to make more reliable or does this depend on the brand?

the brand and the exact specs . Usually 550-600W are enough even for GTX 770.
there are different opinions . Different people prefer different brands .
I would avoid seagate HDDs as well if you can they fail a lot faster then other drive manufacturers. Try Western Digital, or other brands, can't help to much because your not in my location and currency.

Is the "OCZ ZS Series 550W 80+ Bronze Power Supply" OR "Corsair CX500 Builder Series 500 Watt ATX PS/2 Power Supply Unit" As the one you mentioned isn't on the list.

i back Seagate , everyone who i know are pleased with them . i have 2 and they are quiet ,fast and durable .

OCZ ZS Series 550W 80+ Bronze Power Supply has more watts and is fine .