Is this good as an affordable monitor to get two of for gaming?

Don't get two monitors for gaming. You can only realistically use odd numbers of screens. One, three, five, seven. This means that games which are designed properly can keep everything they put in the middle of the screen for you to see importantly visible. Especially with FPS games, which have the crosshair there.

Or did you mean you wanted two, but would only use one of them for gaming while having the second available when you're not?
The above is correct. I have never seen this monitor before, and it doesn't seem to be marketed towards gamers. Additionally, the base is non-adjustable and non-removable, two major issues in a multi-monitor setup. Keep that in mind.

Would have been one for gaming and another just for w/e else is going on in my world etc.. i'll go with a different monitor anyways, thanks.