Is this good for streaming?


Nov 26, 2013
Hey guys I was wondering if this this PC was good enough to stream H1Z1... the game does lag a bit sometimes, and I am not certain if it is because I am streaming or because it is a buggy game.

My Processor is: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770 CPU @ 3.40GHz 3.40 GHz
Ram: 16.0 GB
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760
1.80 TB Hard Drive
x64-based processor

Currently trying to learn more information on what is good and what is not. I think this is alright but I might be wrong... If I could upgrade what could I upgrade and should I? and is there any more information I should give

Thank you for looking at my post.
Good enough to stream, Though you might want try lowering the game settings if it slows down during gaming to see if it helps.