Now, here's where I ran into interesting results.
A Friend suggested using another computer to connect to my router in place of my main PC.
I used my laptop:
Almost like magic my laptop is getting Ethernet speeds that are somewhat close to what I'm used to which is close to 100 mb/s. When I try to download a game on steam from my laptop I get 10 megabytes average (which is close to 100 megabits). Here's the best part, when I test my wifi device (iPhone) I almost instantly got fast wifi speeds (which is around 50 megabits, a little slow but a lot better than 4-5 megabits).
I also failed to mention that I think I was overloading a plug prior to this issue so I moved my power strip that my computer is on to another wall outlet (about 5 feet away). And it stopped the breaker from being flipped in my room but obviously it gave me this speed issue somehow.
Now I switched the configuration back to what it was prior to this (plug wise) I disconnected some things to prevent a possible switch flip and again my speeds are somewhat back to normal on my main PC. I try something else which is to put that power strip back to the outlet that was giving it issues and this disconnected the PC from that power strip and plugged it directed into the outlet that was possibly being overloaded. As soon as I did that I was instantly back to my speeds I'm used I and then some. Which was 200+ megabits per second (and my iPhone wifi speeds were around 80mb/s)
Fast forward to this morning where for kicks I plugged my PC back into the power strip that's plugged into the outlet that was causing a speed drop and the speeds somewhat diminished but stayed at 100mb/s +) (I think I was getting 200+ because it was around 2am when I tested and congestion was low). Then put the plug directly into the outlet that was possibly getting overloaded and the speeds started to deminish this time, so I started to think maybe it was the PSU plug. I swapped out the plug and the speeds slowly started to creep back up to normal (with the wifi speeds following).
I'm really sorry if that is a bad explanation but I'm just as confused as to what's happening and am still testing things out.
Also keep in mind the speeds I'm meantionin are all download because my upload speeds stay the same no matter was (if that means anything)
ALSO, I have tested all my plugs via the power strips (because the outlet holes are too small for the multimeter prongs). And they all read an average of 123.9 volts under load which from what i've seen is normal. I am going to buy a outlet meter and a plug tester to see more results.