Is this i7 outdated for what I need to do?


Feb 16, 2015
So I'm building a pc soon and I am definitely going to buy an i7 simply because I want to be able to game AND do editing. I've done some research, I can get an i7 3770k for about $250 and a 4790k for about $300. I really do not want to spend more money on the 4790k for what I have been told is a minimal performance difference. Is this true, if not any recommendations would be great, thanks.

EDIT: Forgot to mention I will be getting a GTX 970 with this. I'm not sure what manufacturer yet though.
It's not a minimal difference. I7 4790k comes 4GHz stock with 4.4 boost.

Unless you plan to overclock 3770k, difference is noticeable. Not earth-shattering, but 500 extra MHz and inherent Haswell improvements are definitely worth $50 IMO.

No, but I'll find one.


i have 0 intention to overclock. In fact, what about an 8350? What is the difference between that and some of the i7s?
Gaidax made a good point. If you dont have MB then 4790k would be best way to go. It have higher base clock (4ghz vs 3.5ghz) and its more power friendly. If you overclock 3770k to 4ghz gab closes and they will perform more or less the same.

Its up to you.

Edit : No, forget about FX's.

8350 is a dead technology... it's a CPU from 2012 and it was a hit-and-miss case even back then, and it certainly isn't a "fine wine" case where it improves with age.

Of course I might get eaten by ravenous AMD fanboys, but really as a sensible person you should understand that CPU from 2012 won't match one from same grade but from 2014.

My i7 2700K came out in 2012.. Its overclocked at 4.7ghz from the begining. It will murder your 4770k 3.4ghz at anything so lets not start this...

im totally neutral with the whole intel, amd, nvidia thing. Personally I think the reason AMD gets so much shit for being incomparable to nvidia and intel is because amd tries to juggle between making processors and graphics cards. I think they should specialize in graphics cards and leave intel by itself, or room for another company lowering intel's prices (theoretically). But anyways back to the question, would an i7 3770k be good for me and would I need a cooler even if I'm not going to overclock?

Which is of course completely irrelevant because

a. OP does not intend to overclock.
b. Overclocking is not an exclusive feature of I7 2700K.
c. Bringing I7 4790K to that clock takes little effort and would in turn smoke your timer CPU. As a matter if fact 4790K can be taken to 5GHz.

Am I clear?

Stock cooler is adequate if you do not overclock. I'd suggest to get some cheap non-stock one, but it's not necessary.
Bit late to the conversation, but what about a xeon?

More specifically, a E3 1230 v3. I has same speed and cpu slot type as a 4770/4790, yet is cheaper and requires slightly less power.

The two downsides are that it requires a dedicated GPU as it does not come with an internal one, however for the majority of users on here they have a dedicated GPU as it is (Anything would work, but I've stuck it with a 750 Ti as its very efficient, cheap and quick enough for my requirements)

The second potential downside is that you cannot overclock it, but as you've stated that you do not with to overclock, that does not matter.