Is This In Sli Enough For Ultra??


Aug 1, 2014
Intel Core i7-4770K Processor 3.5GHz
Microsoft Windows 7 Professional (64-bit)
16GB DDR3-1600 RAM
2TB 7,200RPM Hard Drive
120GB Solid State Drive
Dual NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760

Heres the Sites description of the graphics

A powerful SLi video solution utilizing two NVidia GTX 760 PCIe graphics card with 2GB discrete DDR5 video memory

Any help would be nice🙂
Having two cards in SLI IS better, but you don't get double the performance from having two cards. You also have to keep in mind that you ARE using double the power and producing double the heat, which can give you lower performance if your cooling solution can't handle it.

This page actually shows a benchmark of dual 760 vs. single 760 vs. single 780,3686-9.html

The single 780 comes out only slightly worse then the 760, but performance per price is better.
I would recomend a single 770 or single 780 over SLI 760s.
You realize you didn't even state the name of the video game?

Also, if you're actually building a new PC now, here's my recommendations:

1) i5-4690K or i7-4790K
2) 8GB (unless you edit video or are "future proofing" for years down the road with 16GB)

3) Good Z97 motherboard
4) GTX880 4GB (optionally SLI of GTX860/870 depending on release date, performance and value)
5) Windows 8.1 64-bit (and Start8; but don't get Windows 7 on a new PC).

There's nothing "wrong" with that build for high-end gaming but in general I prefer a good single card even though you can get higher frame rates in SLI at the same price. Not all games support SLI well for one thing.

I still recommend 2GB video cards, but not when spending $500 plus such as two of them. You want at least 3GB for your framebuffer once you're at this level of performance now as games will want more than 2GB soon. Again, with a single GTX760 it's not a big deal, but once you have two you can say increase the HD textures and anti-aliasing which starts using more Video memory.

I agree, especially since SLI/CF often offers inconstant performance

Wait.....So can it play games like farcry 3-gta4-skyrim the elders scrolls without problems i am receiving this as a gift so i cant exactly change everything.......Thanks for the options though

All of those games should run pretty good on your system. You might have to turn down aa in fc3. Skyrim will be destroyed and pretty much every game will run decent or better. Thats all with just one 760.
Alpha3031: Can you explain why you would recommend windows 8 to the forgetful burning man? My brief foray into that grand new world quickly scared me back to windows 7, although it might be perfectly intuitive to some!

Are there some particular features that make games run more smoothly? (Less resources taken up by the OS or something?)

It uses less RAM, supports DX12 and can be made to look like Win7 (I use this

Though, I might add, it's not really worth purchasing a new license, so if your friend gives you win7, just use that.

So 2 would do better? Sorry im asking so much just want to know what to expect :/
Having two cards in SLI IS better, but you don't get double the performance from having two cards. You also have to keep in mind that you ARE using double the power and producing double the heat, which can give you lower performance if your cooling solution can't handle it.

This page actually shows a benchmark of dual 760 vs. single 760 vs. single 780,3686-9.html

The single 780 comes out only slightly worse then the 760, but performance per price is better.
I would recomend a single 770 or single 780 over SLI 760s.