Is this mhz normal?


Aug 9, 2014

AMD Radeon R9 390.

Mhz fluctuating between 1500 and 150 as link shows.

Simply trying to figure out if this is normal. Or some kind of power saving setting?

Here's Valley benchmark

I've been reading a lot of other posts that are slightly similar but not exact and wondering if it's a PSU issue. Since I think the PSU is only silver or bronze. Frustrating though if it is since I have multiple friends running the same exact GPU with even lower quality PSUs without a single issue.

Thanks in advance for any assistance!

That's normal for out of game clocks. They increase when ever hardware acceleration is used, which your browser and many other apps use these days. If it bothers you, you can turn it off in most applications and browsers, but they may default back to on with updates. You might also see increases for multi-display use.