Is this mobo bad?


Jan 24, 2017
So i bought the MSI B250M PRO-VD, and i didn't look at the reviews. But now when i look at the reviews on NewEgg it only got a 3/5. I haven't used it yet so i'm a bit worried. People said the mobo wouldn't work some times, so yeah plz help 🙁
I tend to ignore most reviews from end users. Most don't know what they're doing. That's a newer board and i doubt it has a ton of reviews yet. Also it's a newer chipset I'd suggest updating the bios after installation.

Ok thanks alot :)
Well, as of this date, the reviews you found on Newegg ( with a rating of 3/5 is based on 2 reviews only. So I wouldn't on count it as an overall assessment in considering that the mobo is "bad".

Ok thanks :)