Is this motherboard prepared to handle....


Nov 18, 2013
current motherboard: Gigabyte GA-770T-USB3 -- AMD 770
current graphics card: R9 280

current cpu: amd phenom 965

i believe this old cpu is causing most of my lag or even bottlenecking my gpu, however my thoughts are also on the motherboard.

can that current motherboard support my GPU and say an.... i5-4460 that i am looking into buying?

also is there a convenient site that has like a chart table of motherboards and what they are compatible with.

thanks, im somewhat new to technical things

I'm not sure about the bottlenecking.

No, that motherboard will not support an i5-4460. It only supports AMD processors.

I'm not aware of any site hat lists all motherboards and the compatible processors for each. Typically, however, the mobo manufacturer's site will list the processors with which a particular mobo is compatible.


Try setting the computer power settings all the way up. Might help the bottlenecking?
ok thanks guys. I think it might not be bottlenecking but I ran into a very weird issue. When i first started playing shadows of mordor on my new gpu I would get game-stopping lag as if everything was loading or something. Is this a RAM issue perhaps. Because I went back to play it recently and it was playing just fine. Very concerning