[SOLVED] Is this normal? I overclocked 100mhz. Got +3 FPS. Overclocked 100 MORE mhz. Got an additional 9! How can that be?

Kevin Weinberg

Sep 7, 2014
I am using a very old i7 4770k which is BADLY bottlenecking my RTX 2080 (not TI).

In the Assassin's Creed Odyssey benchmark, at mostly very high settings (1440p), I ran it 3 times at stock clocks and got about 50fps average. (Stock is 3.9 with Turbo).

Playing around with tiny increases to voltage, I managed to get a stable 4ghz on my 4770k. (+100mhz)

I then ran the very same test again and it increased my average FPS in the benchmark from 50->53 in the first test, 50->54 the second time I ran it, and then 50->53 again the third time. So about 3FPS gain.

I then upped the clock from 4ghz to 4.1 Now, here's why I am so baffled and confused.

NOW when I run the benchmark I am getting 62fps average. How can that be possible? Shouldn't I be getting 56? Or maybe even 57/58?

How can the second 100mhz make for such a faster gain than the first 100mhz? Does it not work this way?
Need to look at overclock guides how to properly overclock. Im used to older gen platforms so not familiar with some of the settings present in newer motherboards but one feature i am familiar with is turbo boost. When I've overlooked I've turned off any automatic overclocking features otherwise you'll end up what you're seeing. That is an overclock on top of an overclock with the motherboard adding more voltage to compensate.

Investigate your overclock and temps. Once you're confident then run prime95 26.6, aida64 or intel burn test to test stability between cpu and ram.
The cpu feeds the graphics card pre-rendered frames so the faster the cpu can do that the more the gpu can do.

Overclocking that little bit more gave the cpu bit more headroom to work more efficiently. Before it was probably close to maxing out and starving the graphics card.

Should try aim for 4.5GHz. keep an eye on cpu usages and temps with Msi Afterburner. There are youtube vids showing how to enable onscreen stats in-game.

I just had something VERY, VERY weird happen and I'm quite nervous.

I ran Prime 95 for about 45 minutes. During that time, the temperatures never budged -- never once. It was constantly fluctuating between 72 and 73 under FULL load.

All of a sudden, all the tests came up saying 'PASSED'. The moment the final test passed, the CPU temp shot up, INSTANTLY, to 100. Even though I have Vcore set as Manual, the vcore seems to have raised. I have no idea what happened or why. The CPU throttled, and everything seems to be fine, but I'm worried that brief moment might have just done lasting damage. PC did not crash.


Ahhh I did not know that. But does that mean my OC is not stable? I don't even know what happened it was so fast. It was stuck at the same temp and then all of a sudden the voltage shot up (even though I don't believe I've given my MOBO permission to increase the voltage)
Need to look at overclock guides how to properly overclock. Im used to older gen platforms so not familiar with some of the settings present in newer motherboards but one feature i am familiar with is turbo boost. When I've overlooked I've turned off any automatic overclocking features otherwise you'll end up what you're seeing. That is an overclock on top of an overclock with the motherboard adding more voltage to compensate.

Investigate your overclock and temps. Once you're confident then run prime95 26.6, aida64 or intel burn test to test stability between cpu and ram.