Is this normal in a watercooling loop


Jan 11, 2017
Is this normal in a water cooling loop? Or is my flowrate just too low?
I am using a VPP655 pump.
The loop goes like this: From resorvour ->pump->gpu block->top radiator->cpu block
->front radiator-> resorvour.

Here are some pics:

As you can see, the water coming out from cpu block has very low flowrate

The pump is almost running at full speed
The radiators are fairly clean
So this is not normal? I have 2 pumps and I can run dual pump loop, but my other pump is slow and I prefer a single loop.

Can't I just change the loop? I could go from pump->front rad->cpu block-> top rad->gpu block->resorvour. That would give me much better flow, right?
It would be better if you could raise the pump up. pump rad>cpu>gpu>rad>res>pump
So like raise everything then have the pump go into the front rad then cpu gpu and top rad then back to the res.
And dual pump system is different than dual loop. Dual pump is where you have pump1>pump2 that way there is more head pressure.
I have mine setup weird where my pump is actually above my res. Its above everything and level with my top rad and it works well. I have the MCP655 pump which is amazing. My loop is pump>top rad>cpu>gpu1>gpu2>front radiator>res and it works pretty well.
Here is a photo so you can get an idea of how mine looks.

Won't it flow and perform better if I do it like this:
option 1: "pump>front rad>top rad>cpu block>gpu block>res."
option 2: "pump>front rad>cpu block>top rad>gpu block>res."

or is your way the optimal and best way to do it?
Im not 100% sure which way would work better as I have not experimented much with loop order.
It wouldnt hurt to move the pump around to see if anything helps. If nothing seems to help, I would throw in the second pump as that should help.