is this normal?


Nov 21, 2017
i bought a brand new computer with a intel i5 7th gen. can this run league of legends and play at the same time? it caused really bad freezing

Yes, that's normal. All I can see is a CPU.

If you reply you will see the text box you rply in. Look above the box and find the Polaroid pic between the chainz(link) and the A(Font). Click that and paste an url in there. I go to the page and see https postimg org image/3li74o6b7/(I removed some key characters) but that's just a page link I want a direct link to the pic. I need to click on share and choose an URL with a jpg, bmp, png or some other pic based url. I click share and click on direct link and get https s5.postimg org/t4ajhopvb/Far_Cry4_2016_11_08_22_14_29_543 jpg Now that I pasted the url with a jpg at the end it'll work.

Simple. Click polaroid icon and paste a pic based url into the resulting box. I use Speccy to show my Specs if I have a question about my PC
People can see a bigger picture and will be able to offer a better answer because they have more info.
Im going to work; ill use speccy to gi e u my specs. My old msi laptop could dl league of legends and play twitch no problem (even though it had an i7). Really feels like a downgrade

That's to be expected. The i7 is more efficient so the i5 will feel a bit underpowered. Does changing the in-game settings do anything? Do you still only have 1 RAM module? Adding an extra one will offer a bit of a boost. TO be clear a 16GB kit would be the best. Adding old and new RAM will work 95% of the time. The other 5% end up here, or at other forums asking us why RAM with identical specs. won't work.

And then I see the issue. You have the 7300 i5. That's the lowest end 7th gen i5 out there. They can call it a gaming laptop but to me the 7300 isn't. The 75 or 7600 i5? Beautiful. The 7700? Even better of course. The 7300 paired with a mid-range 1050Ti is even less powerful in a laptop. Desktop counterparts are always more powerful.
No its not in game, the freezing occurs while trying to multitask while downloading the game; i havent been able to play the game yet or finish downloading because of the massive amount of freezing.

oh... That shouldn't happen. Time for an exchange. Brand new and dissatisfied? Time for a return.