Is this pc build good for gaming


Nov 29, 2013
I5 4440 - 12000 Rs.
Asus H 81M-K - 4000 Rs.
Corsair VS 1600 MHz 4 GB - 2600 Rs.
WD Blue 500 GB - 3100 Rs.
Antec VP 450 - 2700 Rs.
Cabinet - 800 Rs.
Logitech MK 200 - 800 Rs.
Dell E 1914H
Asus DRW 283 ST DVD R/W - 1000 Rs.

Amd HD 7770 7000Rs.

Total - 37500/- Rs.

PLs tell me if this rig will be able to play BF4, COD G, CRYSIS - 3 On High to Ultra on 720p resolution.Thanks.
This Price is in Indian Rs.If there is other better rig than this in the budget then pls tell.
If you want to play in 720p, should be more than fine on high and even ultra on many games. Since your monitor doesn't support 1080p anyways, really it depends on the game in question the most. Crysis ultra is very demanding but I guess you can play it on 720p and high with those settings. Battlefield 4 should run good 60fps on high.

Ok What about Motherboard and PSU.Will H 81 Mobo and 450 wt PSU will suffice.Or i will need to buy other Mobo and PSU.

I can buy a 750Ti, but the question is will i3 can play BF4, Crysis 3.and upcoming titles of them?

Yeah i also think so, that i3 will bottleneck.I don't want to go AMD way.What about i5 4440+HD 7770.Will this be abl to play latest games.



GAMES ARE NOT MULTITHREAD OPTIMIZED RIGHT NOW. They require solid single core performance more than anything else, that's what Intel is good at, and therefore people choose it if they don't wanna OC the FX.