Is this pc good?


Mar 28, 2016
Im planning on building a pc for about the price of 500$, I need to buy a monitor and a keyboard for it also.( not included in the 500) This is the pc I was looking at building.
I have never built a computer before and the main use of this computer will be for gaming, so I was wondering if there any knowledgeable gamers on this forum that could help me decide on what parts to buy. From what I've researched these parts and prices look pretty good. If you guys have any suggestions about a different graphics card or processor for the same price or less which are better than this site currently lists please tell me. I'm not looking to spend anymore money since my original amount I was looking to spend was 500$ and this is already over. It looks like this build will be pretty efficient and be able to run a lot of the newer games on high settings, I appreciate the help. Thank you.
The build in that link is pretty good for gaming under that budget but you should try to avoid fx CPUs because of their slow single core performance, no upgrade path,heating problems..
You should rather get skylake i3 with h110 mobo and ddr4 ram which is also a decent CPU for gaming and have a far better upgrade path..
Rest of the build is fine..

Do you think going with the skylake i3 is better than the fx6300 6 core even though it has 2 less cores(hypothetically speaking) ? It looks like it will cost about 50$ more to get the skylake and an h110 motherboard , so are these items really worth that? I could take 50$ and put it into cooling instead of buying these items and that should solve the problem of the heat yes? Also I think the 6 core would perform better on new end games. Dont mean to stress you with the long reply just want to get the most bang for my buck especially because of my tight budget. Thanks so much for your help.

Not all the games will take advantage of the 6 cores of fx 6300.Most of the games nowadays use 2-4 cores a CPU with better single core performance is always a good pick for gaming...
Also the fast ddr4 ram will give you advantage over the ddr3..
Fx CPUs are really old and are power hungry and also have slow single core performance than the i3's.
However a fx 6300 can be a good processor when over clocked but for overclocking you need a good mobo + good CPU cooler which will cost you as same as an i5 haswell !!
At stock speed i3 6100 is better than fx 6300 for gaming...

Wow thanks a lot, with the advice you gave and some research it appears that the i3 does perform better than the fx 6300 in some aspects even with the same graphics card. I think I will be going with the i3.
Would you still recommend the i3 over the amd athlon II x4 860k? It looks like I can get the athlon for 50$ cheaper
I don't know why you are completely getting it wrong.. athlon x4 860k is good but not at par with i3 6100..even the fx 6300 was a better choice than the athlon!!
If you don't want to spend extra cash look for the haswell i3 4170 it is also a decent CPU for GAMING...