Is this PSU crossfire compatible?

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A link to the realhardtech article. Perhaps if I saw how they tested I can figure out how they can be so off. The 280x is the 7970GHz. I've never seen a CF setup for either card that crosses 700W. The one I linked says ~600W. Here are some more. (note that this is the original 7970, for the GHz edition feel free to bump the power consumption up to perhaps 600W?) Single 7970GHz at 354W. Add another 250W card and you get ~600W. 7970 in CF, Probably 700W for the GHz/280x...
Why would he need an 800W? A gold 750 has more available power then a bronze 800, probably even a bronze 850.

280X is a 250W part. Two of them is only 500W. Even if he had an FX CPU that used 125W, the rest of the system is less then 200W. 500W + <200W = <700W, which a Seasonic Gold rated 750W unit should have no problems with. I wouldn't power two 290s on it, but up to 280/280x should be fine. (And as I said you don't OC anything.)
A link to the realhardtech article. Perhaps if I saw how they tested I can figure out how they can be so off. The 280x is the 7970GHz. I've never seen a CF setup for either card that crosses 700W. The one I linked says ~600W. Here are some more. (note that this is the original 7970, for the GHz edition feel free to bump the power consumption up to perhaps 600W?) Single 7970GHz at 354W. Add another 250W card and you get ~600W. 7970 in CF, Probably 700W for the GHz/280x.,3635-18.html System with single 280X is 257W, add in another 250W card and you are ~500W. (This is oddly low.) I did say no OCing, so lets stick with the 280X DD. Using the even higher Furmark numbers that's 360W + 250W = 610W.

Do I need to continue? Using stock 280X cards in real world gaming cases you are pulling 600W. Maybe less. IDK why that one site said 800W. A Seasonic built 750W gold rated unit will have no problem supplying 600W+. Again, it won't be a problem.
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