Short answer - It will probably be fine if you don't add more to the system, and keep the PSU area reasonably ventilated.
Long answer - For a start, PSU calc sites that recommend specific PSUs are doing it for sales purposes. Take that factor with a pinch of salt.
Two ways to do this. Run your spec by 4-5 sites to get a general idea, or go and research every component. Regardless of the results, I recommend you calc 1.5x whatever the total comes to. So your 345w comes to 518w, so I would recommend 500w or 550w, depending on specific model range and needs, such as modular, 80+ rating, and of course, price. This would be overkill, but that's not a bad thing. When one throws a lot of money at a system, an extra ten or twenty for a better, beefier PSU is worth it.
As for your current PSU, it ought to be fine, but any expansions to the current setup could be borderline if expecting years from it, as the potential life of the PSU might be shortened if it gets used to capacity. I prefer to spec a PSU that will more than handle whatever I throw at it, so it's hopefully going to be sweet for many years.
For what it's worth, the outervision PSU calc site recommended me:
80+ BRONZE, Semi Modular, 5 Year Warranty
My chosen PSU is:
Seasonic 750W Focus Plus
Gold, Fully Modular, 10 Year Warranty
That's for an estimated load of 458w (assuming all working fully, at once, which is unlikely), and 1.5x that is 687w. I could easily have worked with a 650w, and probably a 550w, but the 750w had better cabling options and was only £20 more.
I run my systems 16-18 hours a day, seven days a week for 5 years at a time (with any luck!). I worked out that my last (cheapo) system had in four years put in the hours equivalent to 14 business years, which puts its 3 year warranty in perspective.