K Kaelz Commendable Jul 27, 2016 2 0 1,510 Jul 27, 2016 #1 hello i want to buy power supply for future pc plan pc spec : CPU AMD FX 6300 MB Gigabyte GA-78lmt-S2P vga Asus gtx 950 ram 6gb hdd 2 ssd 1 will 430w psu enough?
hello i want to buy power supply for future pc plan pc spec : CPU AMD FX 6300 MB Gigabyte GA-78lmt-S2P vga Asus gtx 950 ram 6gb hdd 2 ssd 1 will 430w psu enough?
ajpaolello Distinguished Jan 20, 2014 1,590 15 21,015 Jul 27, 2016 Solution #2 To run it all at stock speeds yes. Not enough for overclocks. Upvote 1 Downvote Solution
C Chugalug_ Titan Jan 28, 2016 16,502 4 74,965 Jul 27, 2016 #4 That's pretty much it. 430w is good for your current build, but any higher than an RX480 in terms of power draw is not going to work. Upvote 0 Downvote
That's pretty much it. 430w is good for your current build, but any higher than an RX480 in terms of power draw is not going to work.
Tradesman1 Legenda in Aeternum Jun 5, 2013 67,881 40 126,960 Jul 30, 2016 #5 Depends on what 430 you are looking at, many advertised at 430 are 430 peak, and may only have 325-350 tops on the 12 volt rail which wouldn't really be enough/safe. Upvote 0 Downvote
Depends on what 430 you are looking at, many advertised at 430 are 430 peak, and may only have 325-350 tops on the 12 volt rail which wouldn't really be enough/safe.