Is this PSU enough?


Dec 19, 2013
Corsair Obsidian 750D, Full tower


Intel Core i5-4670K, Quad Core, 3.40GHz

Gigabyte GeForce GTX 780 Ti OC, 3GB GDDR5

Corsair Cooling™ H100i

So now to the PSU. A guy looked into my build and recomended Corsair power supply AX760i and i think that would be enough, but the problem is that in time im planning on SLI double GTX 780 Ti. Correct me if im wrong, but this is where i think i will lack power when i get another GTX 780 Ti.
GeForce GTX 780ti - 42A and a 600W PSU minimum

Power Consumption GeForce GTX 780 Ti

1.System in IDLE = 120W
2.System Wattage with GPU in FULL Stress = 372W
3.Difference (GPU load) = 252W
4.Add average IDLE wattage ~10W
5.Subjective obtained GPU power consumption = ~ 262 Watts

Power Consumption GeForce GTX 780 Ti 2-way SLI

1.System in IDLE = 129W
2.System Wattage with GPU in FULL Stress = 617W
3.Difference (GPU load) = 488W
4.Add average IDLE wattage ~20W
5.Subjective obtained GPU power consumption = ~ 508 Watts

GeForce GTX 780 Ti 2-way SLI - On your average system the cards require you to have a 800 Watt power supply unit as minimum.

So if you plan on future SLI, then go with this one :

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant / Benchmarks

Power Supply: Corsair 860W 80+ Platinum Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply ($198.98 @ Newegg)
Total: $198.98
(Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available.)
(Generated by PCPartPicker 2013-12-20 10:13 EST-0500)