Is this R9 270X good?


Sep 12, 2014
i got this card and i have been able to play most games at high and racing games maxed out. I think it will handle games pretty well, especially at 900p.

Well that's the thing, i wasn't planning on buying this r9 270x at amazon for that price, i'm only going to spend 100-200$ so i was buying on Ebay. But if i can find the 770 for a good deal somewhere i of course will get it instead!

"Really good" is subjective, you should get decent FPS at medium-high, maybe high, so it depends on what your view of really good is.

By really good i mean at least 60FPS and never dipping below 30FPS at high settings.

Yeah, it can easily do above 30fps at high settings at 1600x900
Agree at 900p it willl get good fps. If thats the resolution that u are going to play i see no point on getting a $300+ card when a $200 card will still give you 50+ fps

i wouldnt buy a used graphic card. i almost bought a used 770 windforce (3 fans) from amazon at $218, but with the prices around 260 for a new 770 it wasn't worth it, even if it had triple fans.

even if amazon have a good costumer service and all that, after the 30d warranty is up, you are on your own.

if you got time check reddit once in a while. they post some really good offers that even pcpartpicker isnt aware. like my 4690k for $194

It could definitely play High-Ultra settings on modern games.
i got this card and i have been able to play most games at high and racing games maxed out. I think it will handle games pretty well, especially at 900p.

I doubt a 270x will play ultra games at decent FPS. At that resolution, high is probably more likely.