Is this Rig a Future Proof ?


Mar 29, 2014
Hi guys its my First Forum . I Wanted to know that is this rig a future proof ?

Cpu :Intel core i5 4570
HDD: 500gb (old)
psu : corsair 600w any.
Gpu : r9 280x
ram : 8gb Corsair vengeance 1600mhz

No Plan for overclocking .
Will play games on ultra setting like Bf4,Crysis 3 ,metro last night ,hitman absolution Etc
Would this Rig handle next 4 years game on ultra with a decent fps ?

Ye ill play on this setting or maybe below that .Will my rig be able to play games of next 4 years on ultra?. i am not going to overclock since it shortens the lifespan of both Gpu and cpu .

What if i go for i7 4770 and a gtx 760 ? would it increase any performance ?
You can get good fps with that rig on ultra for upcoming 1-1 and 1/2 year. But sure not on ultra till next 4 years. It can survive till next 5 and more years. You will have to keep upgrading every two years if you wan't to stay on ultra at 1080p.
Maybe high till next two years and medium after that.

17 4770 + gtx 760 ? What say i heard that Ht is the future is it so ? if it is ill go with that rig

If Hyper threading is what you wan't then you are spending more on cpu and less on gpus. My suggestion is fx 8320 or fx 8350 or i5 4670k with r9 280x or r9 290 is much more future proof than i7.
You are likely to get equal fps on three cpus I mentioned to i7.

But overclocking shortens the life span of cpu and gpu so i dont need that K . i5 4670 is ok :)

I don't think anybody can truly predict that,but i don't think you will be able to play then new games games at ultra in 4 years.
Software developers and hardware manufacturers are,i think, playing catch up so if a new gpu is out that can handle a certain level will the software developer try to get the most and even more out of it at that time if it's possible.

Just try to upgrade the gpu in a few years if you want to keep playing at ultra settings.

Which corsair 600watt are you buying?

The cx series isn't the best,try to get a xfx pro 550watt ,antec 520watt high current gamer,corsair tx 550watt or gs 600watt or something like that.
Look for something that's in tier 2(b) ore higher in the next list if it's possible,
tier3 aren't bad,there are often just better ones for a similar price.

Ok . so i5 4670 is ok for gaming or i need i7 4770?

4670 is okay. You don't need 4770k for gaming. 4670 is not a compulsory option just because you wan't it to be future proof, it's just few hundred mhz over 4570.
So you can get either 4570 or 4670.

Depends on budget too,if you can get a 4770 with a gtx 760 or a 4670 with a gtx 770 would i go for the last combination.

There are already games that benefit from 8 cores,but 4cores will still do for quite a while i think.But even here it's the catch up game too i think.

There are also xeon's that are cheaper than a 4770,but have hyper threading,they just don't have an igp=integrated gpu.If by any chance your gpu would break down would you have to replace it with another to keep on going if you were rma-ing,so don't get rid of the old one if you have that.

Look at the next for those xeon's,except the 1220=the cheapest=a quad core without hyper threading,,12&g=0&k=24
the 4770 costs a lot more, (except the micro center offer which is a in store only pick up offer)
That gigabyte motherboard does support those xeon's so you're good with that.

but at place where i live xeon processors are not available :S Thats a big issue here