Is this set-up good enough?

Oct 8, 2013
So here's what I plan on building:
mobo- M5a99x:

GPU- GTX 770:
Asus or Palit, can't decide,

CPU- AMD FX 8320:

PSU- I don't know what to get here. I need a psu with enough power to support 2 gtx 770's in the future. Need help with this one!!!
RAM- 8gb:

OP-Win 7
Hard-drive - 1TB Western digital:

So really, here are my main questions:
1) Is this system good enough to last in the future over the next 5 years? (1080x1920 resolution)
2) Is the CPU good enough to support 2x 770's as I plan on upgrading in the future
3) How big of a PSU will I need to support all of the components and have enough left for an upgrade in the future, (another 770)
4) Any better alternatives to save money?
5) If you wanna, tally up the cost, I've lost count!
The mobo you chose is fine, and since you want it to last, it's much better than going with a cheaper mobo w/ an older chipset, as far as the GPU, would definitely go w/ the Asus, higher quality, better cooling and OCs well
that build will be fine, especially if your looking at putting a second gtx770 in a some stage. ideally you would want at least a 750/800 watt psu. if your going to put two gtx770's in. id go with the 800watt tho to be certain. as the graphics card is around 230watt depending on the make(palit/asus ect) and the processor is around 125watts. so you will be looking at the best part of 500watts just for the two graphics cards. the processor you have quoted their is good, i have a fx8150 myself and i have not found any games it bottlenecks or programmes it struggles with. so yours should be fine. although i did notice you processor is 3.5ghz and mines 3.6ghz at stock. strange as yours is a newer model.
1) Probably yes, that GPU is good enough to power you for 3 years. 5 years? Not so sure, if you feel the future games are too heavy reducing some eye-candy image quality would do
2) It should be, however it depends on the game really. If you feel that it's a bit bottlenecking, you can always overclock it. I5 4670 or up would be the best match for those GPU. But if it's way over your budget, don't worry, you can always OC the FX.
3) 850watt or above. Pick a good branded one (Antec, Seasonic, XFX, Corsair, Silverstone and thelikes)
4) I usually don't spend big on a mobo. A MSI 970A should be enough. When choosing the GPU, i tend to choose the cheap but quality ones. So, for the sake of money saving, go with Palit. Or get a Zotac, good brand.
5) -

Good Luck!

Okay, so do you think the mobo is not good enough, or is it just a recommendation? (I'm concerned about the cpu and mobo not being compatible)
If money is not your issue, then go with it. It's a good motherboard. Asus is good, like tradesman said, but again it would be useless if you buy them without the plan of OCing them (They have good cooling). You could get the same performance of Asus by buying slightly cheaper brand and OC them and you save money. Again, if money isn't your issue, pick anything that's best.