Is this site legit?


If you saw a guy on the corner, selling 32GB DDR4 RAM for £15, would you think it legit?

Or that same guy on the corner, selling "Windows licenses" for £10. All you get is a piece of paper with a bunch of numbers and letters written on it.


If you saw a guy on the corner, selling 32GB DDR4 RAM for £15, would you think it legit?

Or that same guy on the corner, selling "Windows licenses" for £10. All you get is a piece of paper with a bunch of numbers and letters written on it.


If someone opens this thread and doesn't read the reply's then the old adage "A fool and his money are soon parted" comes into mind. Honestly reading the thread will likely prevent more people from getting scammed.

from what i can tell it is someone using this site to advertise web hosting services as there is no mention of windows product keys. thought i would take a look to see how well done this scam attempt was.