Vana Ivan Pandovski :
footbrake4life :
I dont know if intel CPUs have a higher heat tolerance than AMD CPUs but my FX-8120 hit 66 degrees celsius and my maxx temp is 70 degrees celsius . What I would recommend is to get this cooler → I just got this cooler a few days ago and it more than cut my temps in half. Now I don't go above 30c while playing BF4. And don't be scared about applying the thermal paste, if you don't put enough you will know. Then you just redo it.
Yes i have the same one in the store here i ll take him tommorow thanks alot i have standart CPU fan that comes with i3 Cpu garbage i guess that s why i have 65 c temps ,so what about the termal paste how much should i put i have 2 Grams little pack here how should i add...1 gram half gram -more better less better ???
I used the thermal that came with the 212 Evo, I used slightly more than a pea sized drop dead center only because my processor was a little too big for that amount. But I would recommend doing about a pea sized drop in the middle of the processor and then letting the heat sink flatten it out on top of the CPU instead of spreading it out with card or something. I was extremely nervous when I did mine but when I finished I said to myself, why did I stress over that? That was so easy haha. Just remember you can always add more, but if you do too much that's worse than adding too little. Besides if you add too little and your CPU overheats, your computer will shut off to prevent damage, then you can redo it and add more.