Is this temp okay?


Feb 8, 2016
I just got my system together and in BIOS my cpu runs at 36 degrees Celsius. I am running an i5 6500 with the stock Intel heatsink. I'm pretty sure but not positive that I installed it correctly. How do these temps sound?

That is correct. Like I said, don't worry about temps until you get to the 80s. The motherboard has a downclock feature and shutdown feature to prevent damage from occurring. That threshold is over 100, but that doesn't mean damage can't take place to the motherboard prior to that.

That is correct. Like I said, don't worry about temps until you get to the 80s. The motherboard has a downclock feature and shutdown feature to prevent damage from occurring. That threshold is over 100, but that doesn't mean damage can't take place to the motherboard prior to that.
I'm still kinda worried since when I installed it I didn't do a diagonal pattern like u R supposed too. All 4 pins are in. I am getting 38 degrees Celsius in BIOS after an hour of running it

How many vents you have in your case? 2 intake 1 exhaust ?

If you want it to run even cooler you can get aftermarket cooler like hyper evo 212 but the temperature is fine imo.
Like barto said, you don't have to worry about it unless it goes over 70c, then it's lifespan will start to shorter, but by then you're good
I have 2 case fans but thanks