Is This UPS Good Enough for a Gaming PC?


Feb 10, 2012

I only need it so I can properly shut down the computer in case one of my neighbors cause a power outage which happens only once or twice a year.

Although I don't have my PC build yet I'd like to buy it now because this UPS is on sale.
My specs are (will be):

Corsair AX860
Asus Maximus Hero VII
Intel i7-4970K
1 x DVD Drive
1 x SSD
1 x HDD
2 x GTX 980 TI?or AMD R9 395X2? (This is the reason I don't have my PC build now.)

My monitor will be some 4K monitor or 3440 x 1440p 34".

Just wondering, what are you building this PC for? Gaming, programming, rendering, editing, surfing the web?

Edit: And yes it is compatible, and I'd recommend to buy the 850VA one...

Just wondering, what are you building this PC for? Gaming, programming, rendering, editing, surfing the web?

Edit: And yes it is compatible, and I'd recommend to buy the 850VA one because there isn't a difference in them. You probably wont even come close to using the full potential of that item.

For example:
I'm running a system with FX 6300 and R9 280 while having two additional monitors connected to the exact same UPS, which is no bigger than 450W. I have no trouble, no power shortage, and no throttling nor bottlenecking (I've had this UPS for about 4 years now, constantly on duty haha).
All of the above. The power outages only last a few minutes. It's just I don't know what the power requirement for the GPU or GPU(s) will be since they aren't yet released and I might have to buy a higher PSU wattage as it is known that AMD GPUs are power hungry.

Well you can look at it this way...

The maximum a single GPU can produce on its own if all of it's power cords were at their highest (forgot the rail, but lets just assume here the maximum of the maximum) is 600W (and this is fictional; a fantasy of every nVidia fanboy for AMD), and the maximum for a cpu if every resource required full TDP (again, we're assuming) is 400W.
Now those are the big two, at their most unlikely state of power draw...
So if you're extremely worried, just get on the safe side and buy 1000W UPS. But then again, this is only the maximum a GPU could possibly draw under two eight pins connectors, and not all GPU's are two eight pin connectors.

To get a little better approximate I've researched the basic 8pin PCI-E connector that all GPU's are currently using

8pins= maximum of 150 Watts ( 3X yellow 12V rail, 1x black ground, 4x black ground, with maximum current of 4.167)

Two of those are equal to 300 watts
But now lets take it one step forward and imagine as if there wasn't any ground wires
So we're looking at 570 something watts.

And let's be honest, in the future AMD and nVidia would work extra to preserve additional power usage, so in reality unless you play on going 4x way SLI or CrossFireX, you have nothing to worry about.