Is this worth buying used?


Mar 5, 2009
I was shopping around for current gen parts,was looking to build around $800 with an i5-6500 then get a 1070 when it's released, the only thing is I don't have a pc right now (just a laptop with an extra keyboard and mouse) and I live in Jamaica so anything that costs over $50, customs will charge me 30% of the value of the items plus shipping etc which really hurts.

But I got a message from someone in Jamaica that he's willing to sell me a 4670k with an msi gaming 5 z87 board, case and a gtx 970 all for $375, I'd just have to get a power supply, hard drives and ram after that, and they are confirmed all working.

Should I still shop online and pay that 30% for new gen or should I just jump for this deal instead since I'll basically be able to finish the build 2 months early? He's like a 3 hours drive from me (Living on an island op)
It all comes down to how deep is your pocket and how much you are budgeting. All of that for $375 is a killer deal and will run so many games just fine. To get a new 1070 + i5-6500 etc would cost over $1000 and more after tax. I personally would always try to get the latest graphics card and settle for slightly slower system components, including CPU and motherboard. Good luck getting it!!!
It all comes down to how deep is your pocket and how much you are budgeting. All of that for $375 is a killer deal and will run so many games just fine. To get a new 1070 + i5-6500 etc would cost over $1000 and more after tax. I personally would always try to get the latest graphics card and settle for slightly slower system components, including CPU and motherboard. Good luck getting it!!!

Yea I guess, for me my work contract finishes June 25 and I'm still finishing up university (which I'm paying for) so since I'll have the money for this next week then my friend will be giving me a 1 tb hdd, it's just an ssd, ram, psu and a decent 1080p monitor will be all I need after that, I should be able to afford that before I go off for 3 weeks, I think I'll take this option