M mercsan Reputable Jan 9, 2015 12 0 4,510 Jun 15, 2015 #1 Just trying to figure out some numbers. cincinnati.craigslist.org/sop/5066076854.html
S star7989 Reputable Jun 3, 2015 16 0 4,520 Jun 15, 2015 #2 EVGA GTX 980 is the best.. It is on sale. http://amzn.to/1FYp2SD
M mercsan Reputable Jan 9, 2015 12 0 4,510 Jun 15, 2015 #3 star7989 : EVGA GTX 980 is the best.. It is on sale. http://amzn.to/1FYp2SD I wouldn't agree that just because its EVGA its the best. But that doesn't answer the question
star7989 : EVGA GTX 980 is the best.. It is on sale. http://amzn.to/1FYp2SD I wouldn't agree that just because its EVGA its the best. But that doesn't answer the question