Is Timer Resolution safe to use?


Dec 9, 2014
Hi, i recently stumbled on a video to improve fps. The guy was speaking of Timer Resolution, a program that apparently should increase fps:
Now, i don't really know if this is harmful for your computer or not? Do you guys have any experience with it or no?

Kind regards

1. In that description, what leads you to believe it would increase your gaming fps?

2. "The standard timer on Windows XP can vary between...."

"some people".

Documented results, both with and without?
From an independent source?

"some people" say a lot of junk that has no connection with reality.

So try it.
Report back with results. Before and after.

Maybe that dude has found the elusive magic bullet (but I doubt it)

Have a good backup in case it breaks something.
ok, it literally doesn't do anything for me. So i'm not gonna use it. My current resolutionis by default at it's maximum, so there's no point of using it. It might however work for others. I have no idea

Snake oil.