Is titanfall worth it? pls as many answers as possible just yes or no (no reason required)


Oct 13, 2013
Hi all, titel says it all.

I'm now playing bf4 alot, and a few years back i played 1000+ hours mw2.
I played the BETA and enjoyed it but i'm not sure if the full game offers that much compared to the beta.

Worth it or not? Yes/no


My co-worker loves the game. I will definitely be getting it and have heard a lot of great things about it. However, for $60 plus a season pass at $25 unless you buy the deluxe, I am holding off for a while. There are to many cool games yet to play and I've been picking them up on Steam for $10 or less. I guess if you play one game and put in the hours it might be worth the cost. However, to me I wait on these games, especially those who are already selling the DLC packs for future releases. Especially for PC games that you can not trade in, I'm not throwing down that price just to start playing it day one.

To each their own, but it does look like a really sweet title.
its fun...does a good job of making people not worry about stats, easy learning curve...yes its fun. Worth it? Who knows...I am very very very picky with what games I play, and I am not one to buy a lot of games.

I did buy Titanfall and I have fun with it, I think its a type game that could get old quick. I really enjoy single player story modes as well as multiplayer and was bummed a little when I found out this doesn't have a story mode...or a "true" story mode.

BF4 is still my favorite though.