Is owned by microsoft?


Feb 19, 2018
I've just been looking at the OS support here and find tons for microsoft
and very little for linux (the one most likely to need a lot of support)

Is this site owned, financed or supported by microsoft in any way?

No. Tom's Hardware is in no way, shape, or form, owned, operated, or financed by Microsoft. While Linux may be used on a majority of servers found on the net, it is in the minority (unfortunately) in the user space, thus the vast difference in content here. There are plenty of Linux centered sites around the net if you just take the time to look.
We might get ads from Microsoft. I'm not sure. Occasionally vendors provide products for us to give away; Microsoft may be one of those.

Neither Editorial nor Community write policy or take actions on the basis of which companies do and don't buy ads or provide products.

Linux support seems to mostly happen in forums specific to the flavour of Linux, mailing lists, and IRC.


Curmudgeon Pursuivant

Various flavors of Windows make up about 88-89% of the laptop/desktop market share. Linux around 2%. Add in that on average, a Linux user is likely more tech-savvy than the average Windows user and that the primary discussions here are troubleshooting for a fairly general audience, it would be shocking if Windows *didn't* make up the vast majority of OS-related posts.
Update - it will be renamed when the Development Team gets the ticket to do the job. Hopefully it will give it a boost.

There are a lot of Linux users hereabouts. I have Mint and Kali for different purposes.