Is vs650 ok For Sapphire r9 290 vapor-x


Mar 29, 2014
Hello guys how is corsair vs650 for r9 290 , does it has all the pins which r9 290 needs and is it sufficient for it ? Thanks in advance .

Unless the PSU is defective out of the box, it would not cause any BSOD's or damage any other
PC components. It has more than enough power for a sys with 1 R9 290. You need 31 +12v amps,
that PSU has 50.

Would vs650 cause any blue screen of death or flickering ? due to less power ? And what could be a psu fault to other parts of pc

Unless the PSU is defective out of the box, it would not cause any BSOD's or damage any other
PC components. It has more than enough power for a sys with 1 R9 290. You need 31 +12v amps,
that PSU has 50.