torbendalum :
DirectX 12 will only work on win 10, although we have not seen any real games using it yet, demos show a massive performance increase.
For those who game this could be a primary reason to upgrade. But like you mentioned, no games available as yet.
Darkbreeze :
It depends on what you use your machine for. The OS feels distinctly faster to me, especially browsing even with older browsers rather than the included Edge browser.
After Internet Explorer, I wonder if anyone would be adventurous enough to venture into a Microsoft based browser.
Fact that It took them this long to come up with an alternative to IE is jawdropping. I guess they were stuck in the glory of burying Netscape and co.
Darkbreeze :
Another item to consider is the fact that mainstream support for Windows 7 ended in January of this year and extended support will end in 2020.
While support has its role. I would think for most of us, google is far quicker and quite reliable.
Darkbreeze :
Hardware vendors are NOT developing drivers for newer hardware on older operating systems and will be unlikely to do so just to satisfy those who don't want to upgrade which means anything you upgrade from this point forward stands a chance of not having driver support in Windows 7. Some newer drivers WILL work in Win7, but there are more all the time that will not. Developers will be focusing on drivers that work with 8.1 to some degree, but mainly their focus will be on making sure new drivers and hardware supports Windows 10. They have few if any financial reasons to continue supporting any OS older than Windows 8.
This is probably another major reason to upgrade as time goes by, especially for those who change hardware often.
Ironsounds :
1) Only Buy retail ( have re-install/physical media in hand )
2) Never go through Upgrade paths. ( once again re-installs and KEYs were a pain )
1. Win 10 has a factory reset similar to phones so one may not need a clean install.
I personally use Norton ghost. It is more reliable and I can create an image with all software installed.
2. Can someone confirm on this..
From what I read, Win 10 eliminates the need for a Key
when upgrading or for those who upgraded and then did a clean install.
Apparently, The first time we should upgrade from the older OS. Instead, if we do a clean install, one would need a Win 10 specific product key, or call support with the older key (not sure if this is an option).
But after the initial upgrade, you can go a clean install whenever you want with no key required. Hardware is linked with microsoft servers for activation (Mobo?).
See warning right at the end of the page @ Section: How to perform a clean installation of Windows.