Yesterday I built a computer for my sister. The RAM hasn't shipped yet so I gave her one of my 8 GB sticks today. I took the HDD out of her old computer and put it in the new one. (The computer is from 2013 and i think it is the same HDD that came with it) (WD Blue 1TB) (The computer is a Dell Inspiron 660s). On the original startup it made 5 beeps, restarted, then beeped 5 times again (in a loop). I fixed that and now I get 1 beep on startup. It crashes and blue-screens about 1 second into startup. I have tried running Startup Repair but it always ends up saying "Startup repair cannot repair this computer automatically". The old computer had a Pentium g2020, 8GB DDR3 RAM, and GT 710. I upgraded it to an i5-7500, GT 710 (same), and 8GB DDR4 RAM. I have no idea how to fix this issue, please help!