is windows 8 worth it?

The price difference between the OEM versions of 7 and 8 is about $10-ish. For that difference I would recommend 8.

I'm going to guess that there is not a huge difference for bf4, but I'm not the one to talk to about that. From what I've heard most games perform similarly on 7 and 8.

well i'm building my first pc. so should i spend 30 bucks more for win 8 or spend it on upgrading parts a little more. is there noticable change with bf4 on win 8?
The price difference between the OEM versions of 7 and 8 is about $10-ish. For that difference I would recommend 8.

I'm going to guess that there is not a huge difference for bf4, but I'm not the one to talk to about that. From what I've heard most games perform similarly on 7 and 8.