V Viking1237 Honorable Nov 30, 2013 236 0 10,690 May 9, 2014 #1 is the built in firewall with windows reliable
S shnuhh Reputable Feb 21, 2014 266 0 4,860 May 9, 2014 #2 It is reliable and is necessary, but it can sometimes get in the way of games and certain tasks... Upvote 0 Downvote
V Viking1237 Honorable Nov 30, 2013 236 0 10,690 May 9, 2014 #3 was wondering bcus i was thinking of disabling router firewall for better ping in games Upvote 0 Downvote
S shnuhh Reputable Feb 21, 2014 266 0 4,860 May 12, 2014 #4 You can create an exception for the router firewall without disabling the entire firewall Upvote 0 Downvote