Is WOW "short"

meat pie

May 22, 2013
I heard some people getting to max level In WOW in like 2 months,while in a game like rune scape It will take years to get to max level,is it because in Wow they want you to make like 10 different races/classes?
or is WOW not "short" and is it all a lie?

("short" mean casualy playing it and beating it in like 6 or less months,not beating it in one month if you play it for 12 hours)
WoW is definately not "short" although it is much easier and faster to level now than it once was... they made it a lot more friendly to newcomers. (aka casuals) And there is no way to "beat" WoW. its pretty much neverending; just like most MMO's. Once you have one character at max level, you can buy gear for your lower level characters that increases the amount of xp you get. (last time i played it was something like 50% more with a full set).

WoW is the type of game where you almost dont start "playing" until you are at max level, so they want as many people at max level as possible. If that makes sense..

By beat I mean the main story/max level.

Been playing WoW since 2004. What I can tell you is if you only in it for the story, there are better fantasy RPGs out there that (imo) give a better, more immersive story. Check out Dragon Age: Origins or Mass Effect if you haven't played them before. Fallout 3/NV, Bioshock (all) and Borderlands 1/2 are also a good choice.

WoW is meant to be an immersive game, not a "I beat it and now I'm done" type.

I don't want it for story I just mean if I can beat the game in less then a year then I wont get addicted.

I hear ya, but with an MMORPG there is no "beating the game"