Is X-Wing and TIE Fighter Making a Return?

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Tie Fighter is one of the first computer game I played, and still one of my favorite. They have my money if they re-release or make an updated version!
God I would love to see this come back. The original X-Wing game was so good for its time. Can't even imagine what they could make it look like now.
"News" like this keep franchises like Duke Nukem Forever alive.
'Good news is good news', 'bad news is good news', now we can add 'no news is good news'.
If they're not releasing a remake with modern graphics and revamped iMUSE, they'd better release it in original form plus a really good MIDI simulator (such as Gravis Ultrasound, or Turtlebeach Maui). X-Wing and Tie Fighter are probably as good as space-sim can ever be. I didn't remember how many flight sticks I have broken while trying to chase Tie Advanced.

The next step might be to combine FPS into it. Jedi Knight IV anyone?
Considering the capabilities of modern hardware it would be impressive. There are some free space sims like Vega Strike and remakes of old ones like Descent (D2X-XL). For the old LucasArts games there appears to be independent servers for XW vs TF and XW Alliance like Errant Venture! (I haven't tried it). The main problem with space simulators is vertigo and getting lost which is even worse than with flight simulators.
[citation][nom]trevorvdw[/nom]THQ should make a current generation of the Descent series since they own Volition anyhow...[/citation]

Descent made me REALLY dizzy. But it was SO fun to blast the insane mining machines etc... Right up there with XW/TF
I think seeing those games on a console should make one wonder how in the world where we able to live with such a crappy graphics?
I'm tired of Star Wars RPG's, I want the Flight Sims and FPS's of old to be brought into the current generation. And they had better be release for PC!
Its been about 10 years since we've had a Star-Wars fighter sim for PC... with todays graphics (refer to H.A.W.X.s) and game engine tech, they graphics should look almost right out of the movie.

But we still like to fly around other ships. I forgot which game it was, but you got to fly the Falcon, A-Wing, Y-Wing, Tie-Fighter Advance, etc. With 1990s graphics, had fun flying around a star destroyer.

But yeah, a revised X-Wing game to battle it out around and IN the Death Star (ROTJ) and Star Destroyers would be very very cool.

The blockade runner is a favorite still (also in the old game - had to protect).

I'd buy it.

And Multiplayer would be a big boost.
I just hope they release X-Wing with the expansion packs as well. Awesome amount of fun to be had there. Perhaps I should dig out my original copies and give it another go in the mean time.
Rodriguez's comments are perfect for seeding the possibility, then using the response to gauge how well remaking XW vs TF would be accepted. I'd say the response so far has been pretty amazing. And rightly so. Xwing vs Tie Fighter is easily in the top 10 games Lucasarts has ever put their name on. I put it way up there.

And given the success of BF 1943 on Xbox Live and PSN, I think an XW vs TF remake is certainly a possibility. Let's just hope Lucasarts doesn't blow it like they do so often.
How about Star Wars Battlefront 3 When? There's lots scuttle butt.
Anyone know more than just rumors, The battlefront is the best series they made,I hope it is not EOL for them.
I still bring out Ti-fighter from time to time 486 graphics and all. If they created a new version using modern tech and that game play and control system I would not only be online release day (or a week before) to buy it, I would upgrade (probably have to replace) my 5 year old rig for it.
If they do remake the games I just hope they keep the control and gameplay setups. Too many games today try to simplify things too much. Make it interesting give me a reason to include strategy and thought not just shoot anything that moves. I like the fact that for some missions I had to be heavy on the sheilds and for others heavy on the speed, while others made me switch modes mid mission.
X-Wing and it's sequels are probably my all time favorite games. The sad thing is that they never rematerialized after alliance even though they were strong sellers. I personally think it is because they really didn't show off the advancing capabilities of game graphics. Lets face it, space is mostly black.

I'm too proud to beg, but this is one case where I might make an exception. Please, bring back X-wing.
[citation][nom]QEFX[/nom]X-Wing would be nice but I'd prefer Freespace 3 or Wing Commander: No More Bad Acting.[/citation]

Call me greedy but I want to see new games for all those franchises! I loved Wing Commander especially the FMV based ones, Tom Wilson who played Maniac (the guy who played Biff from Back to the Future) was brilliant.

I personally think the time is right for a return of a classic Space sim franchise like X-Wing/Tie Fighter there's not that much in the way of competition at the moment (the last X3 instalment was launched last year) and there are loads of Space Sim fans like me who are crying out for some new material.
There are two, and only two, games that need to be remade or continued. Those are the Descent and Descent Freespace series. THAT'S IT!
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