ISPs' Lobbying Groups Want Weaker Privacy Rules For Broadband Customer Data

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this is funny as the same government has passed and wants to pass more rules weakening security for these same companies. the backdoors and encryption bans they want to implement seems very much opposite of what these FCC and FTC rules intend for the companies to have to do.

that and the fact that "data breeches" to the government in many different ways have just been made liability free for the companies also seems very contra to these rules. it does not make sense to require the companies to weaken their security for the gov's sake and then to punish them for security breeches. if only common sense was actually "common"
How tiresome that big business always seems to be at odds with decency. It's sad to think that in too many cases, just providing high quality services that people need at a reasonable price and nothing more is an inadequate business model.

Remember Google's motto of 2k "Don't be evil."? If only.
Obviously these companies are run by bean counters. I can't imagine a bean counter being innovative in any other way than counting beans!
Wouldn't this qualify as being a peeping tom as a business model since half the internet is watching porn? Your ISP wants to know your fetish'es so they can sell that info to somebody else or they aren't going to make enough money? Why don't they try * outright for a change if they want more money, I am sure lots of people would pay them for it, oh wait that's illegal. Shame I guess they will just have to go back to lobbying for permission to peep on everyone.
Its not an ISPs job to innovate, I'm paying them to provide the physical connection to the Internet, that's it.

I do not expect my ISP to filter, snoop or otherwise limit that connection in any way. The only information they should be looking at is what's necessary to keep that service functioning.
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