[SOLVED] Issue with GTX 1650 Super

Jun 18, 2020
So I've just bought a GTX 1650 Super, which replaced my old R7 360 AMD GPU.

Did the whole DDU uninstall, then clean install of the GPU.

Everything seemed fine, I use D-DVI adapter to VGA and then VGA to monitor because for some reason my monitor never picked up HDMI signal.

Thing is, whenever I try to launch a game, screen goes black/no-signal. Game still running with sound effects and everything but screen won't pop up until I close the game or reset the system. I have no clue whats going on.

MB: H81M-E33
CPU: i5-4460 4 Cores
RAM: 16GB (2 x 8GB)
PSU: Sentey 600w STY60-PS
OS: Win64
Monitor: SC23 350h
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After a LOT of testing and changing hardware and software components, I finally figured out it was the Monitor, so I had it replaced and now the GPU runs very well.
Could be a difference in resolution the game was previously set at before the change. Or the game doesn't agree with the gpu change. Try locate the config file for whichever game and back it up and delete it so the game resets.

What monitor do you have? I had a monitor with DVI + Vga but had to press a button on the monitor to toggle digital / analogue. It wouldn't auto switch.
Well there's this odd thing, when I launch low req. games like Mirror's edge, AC2... anything prior to 2014, games do run smoothly. But when I launch modern games (Watchdogs, World War Z, AC - Origins) this ni-signal issue happens.

Also what I see is that whenever I launch some of this modern games, CPU's go 100% on all four cores, I don't know if thats what supoussed to happen.

My monitor is SC23 350H.
Couldn't find much on the monitor. There could still be a button though.

Signal loss during some games is bizarre. Id test another display, a TV, or try locate the button if your monitor has it, to rule out adapter.

I've tried and I'm 99% sure it's not the monitor, as I said, low req. games do run smoothly. It's something about how much power the GPU needs, because when I run high-req games they go black-signal.
I've tried and I'm 99% sure it's not the monitor, as I said, low req. games do run smoothly. It's something about how much power the GPU needs, because when I run high-req games they go black-signal.

That's why i said it's a bizarre issue. Thought to test the adapter.

In newer games, can you load up the menu fine? GPU wouldn't be using much power here, not until actually start playing.

Well, psu is unknown to me so it could be that. Your GPU requires a 6pin PCIe plug yeah?
That's why i said it's a bizarre issue. Thought to test the adapter.

In newer games, can you load up the menu fine? GPU wouldn't be using much power here, not until actually start playing.

Well, psu is unknown to me so it could be that. Your GPU requires a 6pin PCIe plug yeah?

For example, in World War Z I get to see loading screens but the moment the menu pops ups signal goes black. As for watchdogs, I can't see anything whatsoever. I haven't been able to play any high-req game atm.

The PSU is from a pre-fab gamer PC, it's is allegedly 600w though looks a bit cheap-y to me. I don't know if that could be the case, but then again, low req games do run fine so it's a bit odd.

Yes, it does require the 6pin PCIe plug and it's connected. My previous GPU R7 360 also required it and it worked fine.
Do you have any HDMI monitor? like TV to test HDMI.
Both cards, 360 & 1650s use about the same power. 6pin PCIe, no more than a 100w.

Try an older Geforce driver.

Tried that, same issue. Game runs but theres no display, just tilting led from my monitor, yet I hear sound and everything on the background.

Do you have any HDMI monitor? like TV to test HDMI.

Tried that, no output.
Tried that, same issue. Game runs but theres no display, just tilting led from my monitor, yet I hear sound and everything on the background.

Tried that, no output.

Get 2 Monitor. Connect them Both 1 on DVI and 1 on HDMI.. Now Go on Nvidia Panel and mess around with display settings. You should be able to see the Screen on DVI while doing it..

OR Maybe check your ram?. Maybe you OC your ram.
I've tried and I'm 99% sure it's not the monitor, as I said, low req. games do run smoothly. It's something about how much power the GPU needs, because when I run high-req games they go black-signal.
It might be the refresh rate causing an issue with it possibly being different. What is your monitors refresh rate and what were you using in game? Try using Alt-Enter to go into Windowed mode for a game that goes to black screen. It will use the desktops refresh rate instead.
Displays fine with other games but not with others. Something doesn't add up. I hope you're being honest in things you've tried.

I still suspect the adapter, it's only thing left that isn't 'normal'.

Mostly with 'older games'. I've tried watchdogs, world war z, now with 'the adventures of captain spirit', still the same issue. Game does pop up, loading screen, but when I access any menu it just goes black signal.

Doesn't happen with other older games I'm testing like "The wolf among us" or "Mirror's edge" to name a few. I'm trying other games as I write this.

Get 2 Monitor. Connect them Both 1 on DVI and 1 on HDMI.. Now Go on Nvidia Panel and mess around with display settings. You should be able to see the Screen on DVI while doing it..

OR Maybe check your ram?. Maybe you OC your ram.

DVI signal is fine up until some of the games menu pop up, then is just no-signal whatsoever. Tried another monitor with lower resolution and the very same thing happened.

As for HDMI it isn't working on any device whatsoever.

Displays fine with other games but not with others. Something doesn't add up. I hope you're being honest in things you've tried.

I still suspect the adapter, it's only thing left that isn't 'normal'.

You mean cables?
Was inclining similarly when asking them to delete configs to reset games.

Will try that, but as fas as I know it's all 60hz both in monitor and driver settings.
Try disable fullscreen optimisation under the compatibility tab for the game's exe/launch app in the directory folder.

It might be the refresh rate causing an issue with it possibly being different. What is your monitors refresh rate and what were you using in game? Try using Alt-Enter to go into Windowed mode for a game that goes to black screen. It will use the desktops refresh rate instead.

Regarding this here's an odd discovery while narrowing down possibilities. I've been trying to launch games in Windowed mode, even with really low resolutions, still the moment loading screen finishes and something has to be rendered (I assume) my monitor goes no-signal whatsoever. Still music in the background and still the game is running (I can hear my buttons interactions with the menu), but the second something has to be displayed on screen no matter what it is, seems to blackout the signal.
Regarding this here's an odd discovery while narrowing down possibilities. I've been trying to launch games in Windowed mode, even with really low resolutions, still the moment loading screen finishes and something has to be rendered (I assume) my monitor goes no-signal whatsoever. Still music in the background and still the game is running (I can hear my buttons interactions with the menu), but the second something has to be displayed on screen no matter what it is, seems to blackout the signal.

Did you try disable fullscreen optimisation?
Do you mean specifically your monitor or Hdmi in general from PC?

From PC in general, but neither did my previous GPU. Although I recall pulling HDMI out of my integrated graphics and into my monitor.

Did you try disable fullscreen optimisation?

Did, still no results.

Another clue however is that when trying to launch a game I randomly hear the sound that Win10 plays when connecting/disconnecting a device.
If you have another GPU test it. If you dont get same result. then its your GPU have problem.

Yes, I have my preivous GPU a R7 360 and It works fine with VGA cables. HDMI not so sure, will try again.

See, this doesn't make sense. Are you talking about the monitor specifically in your op? Did you look for a button? If you have access to another display,ie TV as suggested, try it.

Yes, I know theres a source switch button, but HDMI never worked. It's mostly not recognized by my monitor even with different GPU's, but everything on VGA worked perfectly.

I'm inclined to think this is a faulty GPU. Is there a way to test this?