Issue with Internet Speed from Modem to Router

Try a different cable. I'd suspect that "Cat6" is the culprit.

So I used my laptop to test my speeds:

Cat 6: 105 down, 21 up
Cat 5: 120 down, 22 up

Xfinity Speed Test
Cat 6: 133 down, 22 up
Cat 5: 135 down, 22.5 up


Am I guessing there is something wrong in the settings? Because my router is way more powerful than my modem (talking about max output speeds)

"max output speed" means nothing in this context.
The WAN port on the modem and the LAN port router are all gigabit capable.
This is a setting of some sort on the router. Or a defective router.

Awesome, thank you for your help. I'm going to try this and report back

I forgot to mention I'm getting the same speeds via wifi regardless of the device and if it's 2.4 ghz or 5 ghz

(disregard WiFi, mostly)
You used the same laptop to test from the modem and then from the router?

Yea I did. My one friend is telling me to disable to QoS on the router

This is what it's saying in my router:

I figured it out. I ran a speed test on the QoS page (originally was 155 down 22 up) then it gave me the speeds above. Just ran multiple speed test and now I'm getting roughly 240-250 down, 25 up.

Thank you