Issue with my Gigabyte B350 board


Sep 7, 2017
I have a Gigabyte AB350M GAMING 3 board.Since I brought it I am experiencing a strange issue with usage of my Ryzen 3 1200 in selective games.I play fallout 4 on my system and I got 40 frames on high settings at 1920x1080.My GPU is an RX 460.When I try playing the game at ultra,the CPU utilisation drops severely to 15% constant and I get 20 frames.If I am not incorrect settings can't make a difference of 20 frames.Also under load in Fallout 4 my CPU VID drops a lot during low fps.On the internet I've seen people playing Fallout 4 at ultra with a GTX 950 with no problems and also I've seen Ryzen 3 1200 getting utilised 50-80% in Fallout 4 at high settings with a GTX 1050ti. I have clean installed drivers using DDU and I've tried resetting windows 10.My BIOS is up to date and I have all power saving options turned off.
My spec-
CPU-Ryzen 3 1200
GPU-RX 460
PSU-VS 450

UPDATE:My CPUVDD18 VOLTAGE IS AT 1.364V which is much below 1.8V(used AIDA 64 and HWinfo)

I am not sure if dual channel will solve my problem but I tried overclocking my RAM to 3200MHz and it did not make a difference of 1fps.I will do more research on this.

But I really think that dual channel RAM will not make any difference with a budget GPU,CPU.I am saying this because I have seen improvements only in case of high end GPUs.Even GAMERSNEXUS have a video about this and they say that dual channel is not for budget gamers it does not make a big difference.Dual channel is for developers and content makers only.I really doubt on gigabyte boards because they have had some really annoying BIOS issues.If you know some videos showing any difference with dual channel then please post it.

I do not want to totally disagree what you are saying but the video I have posted from vm reviews is totally legit and I can't disagree what the video is showing.It is just because people don't know his channel.How can the data shown be wrong?